Feeling HSC Fit?
Welcome to your one-stop shop to achieve HSC English bad-ass status!
We’ve broken HSC records in schools as Heads of English Faculty and classroom teachers, perfected our bootcamp strategy with students across NSW and at our Academy and now we’re serving up the greatest online smorgasbord of HSC English Masterclasses in Cookie History!
Looking for that Band 6 edge? Feeling overwhelmed, undercooked and hopeless? Lacking vital mojo leading into HSC exams, WE GOTCHU!
From $99

clever cookie academy
What is this ‘hello HSC’ Sorcery?
HELLO HSC Course Curriculum
We’re Gonna take you from ‘HSC Zero’ to ‘HSC Hero!’
We can do HARD Things!
S1 is one of the WORST responded to sections in English HSC! Why? The skills needed to nail S1 are EASILY taught, but often neglected in the classroom.
Your lack of confidence in approaching the question, technical deficits and dodgy time management skills are totally burning your Cookies. So..you’ve likely given up!
Well, blinker on, peeps! We’re leaving negative town…as if ANYONE knows how to TRANSFORM your performance in this section it’s us!
Attack, Plan and WIN!
Do you often get told you ‘know your text’ but you didn’t answer the question? You’re not alone!
We’ll teach you how to prepare for ANY HSC question, and to form killer thesis statements and supporting arguments in a snatch!
We’ll even refresh your essay structure, show you how to prepare killer study notes AND, more importantly, how to USE those notes to maximise your study sessions! Become a bulletproof question attacker in the exam!
Be Prepared, not Scared!
Imagine excelling in the final, arguably most PUNISHING section in English HSC?
If instead of stumbling into exam without a plan, you could approach it feeling skilled up in all three writing styles (imaginative, discursive and persuasive!)
If you had a ride-or-die reflection structure in your back pocket? If you could write authoritatively about your Module C Mentor texts and how they’ve shaped your language choices? Crush C.O.W. with us!
More than Your Average ‘Online Courses’
We like to OVERDELIVER so the fun doesn’t end with a kick-ass self-paced course!
Tough love & a Mojo Boost
We’re self-confessed HSC English nerds. We know your texts intimately and how to teach you to write about them like an expert!
We also know the rules of the HSC Game (and it IS a game) and how to get you examination fit! We’re going to motivate you to work smarter NOT harder and transform your results!
In fact, you won’t even recognise yourself!
Student Swag
Within EVERY course you’ll find a free downloadable student resource.
It’ll guide you through the course AND provide go-ahead questions, activities and ways to future-proof yourself against ANYTHING those naughty minx’s at NESA wanna throw at you!
Pledge to complete all of the activities and you’ll feel UNSTOPPABLE in exam!
HSC Day Slay
You BETCHA we’re gonna teach to the test! Our MAIN purpose is to catapult you up a Band (or more!)
You’ll emerge from every course with: a crystal clear understanding of the module, sharper skills and knowledge, what to expect in exam, and a gameday strategy that best suits YOU!
Expect proven study approaches and practical advice to slay on HSC day!
Get your Shiz Together!
We get it! HSC English is a LOT! You’re juggling multiple texts, tricky rubric language, unseen questions AND the ticking clock! PLUS you may have limited or NO access to your teacher once you finish school…But never fear! Every ‘Hello HSC’ Course will force you to…
Nothing changes if nothing changes
Hard Work Beats Talent Every Time
Are you proud or disappointed with your Trial HSC results? Either way…the definition of insanity would be to give up now with ONLY weeks/days/hours left until HSC Exams! What is your current plan to fix the problem? Not having a plan, is a plan to FAIL! For the past 4 years we’ve bootcamped kids to the GREATEST English results of their lives! THIS is the sign you need to ‘Get Your A into G!’
Whether you need an edge, a push, a plan to turn things around, we can help!
Meet your teachers
Say ‘HSC Hello’ to Your Rockstar Educators
We’ve all seen ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’ and hoped like hell that the person educating our babies was a helluva lot more engaging, ammi right?
Director of Awesomeness, Clever Cookie Academy
English Badass, Clever Cookie Academy
But Don’t Take our Word for it…
To us…It’s about Equity
Some schools say BAH-bye on the last day of Term 3. Others bring you in for hardcore HSC fine-tuning over the holidays, that MAY or may NOT hit the mark. It’s all SO school dependent and oh SO inequitable…AND we are in the midst of a teacher crisis to top it off!
You DESERVE access to quality teaching and Hello HSC is here to level the playing field!
We’re already a vital part of the village helping to raise over 430 ah-mazing humans in our Academy. We’d love to be cheerleaders, mentors and tough love providers for you too!